GIANTS – Sea odyssey giant spectacular 1912 2012 Liverpool

By: wendfilmandphoto

Apr 21 2012

Category: Uncategorized

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As we are currently living in Liverpool it never fails to fascinate us with the time the city takes to set up spectacles for all to enjoy, last summer it was pianos dotted around the city for anyone who wished to to sit and play, this prompted spontaneous groups of people gathering around signing along or a lone individual signing supported by a friend on the keys, one evening we were created by a group of your lads who had bought along a couple of guitars and a trumpet with one on the piano a wee band was made and they could play !

Liverpool this weekend has surpassed itself – as it is the centenary of the Titanic tragedy the city has found a unique way to commemorate the anniversary. The GIANTS have arrived one is of an uncle in a diving suit who walked under sea for miles and years to search for a letter for his niece from her father who was on the stricken ship and died.

Whilst playing quite haunting music the Uncle was raised from the dock water and puppeteers along with a crane move the GIANT down the streets of Liverpool.The movement was so graceful with puppeteers walking up the ramps at the side moving forward taking the ropes swinging down to move the arms and legs they then drop to the floor walk around the back up the ladders to the back of the line of puppeteers awaiting their turn to take the ropes.

Later in the day the Niece walked through the city centre with her large black dog to the Kings Dock area to sleep whilst waiting for her uncle to deliver the letter.

The story continues today and tomorrow if you are near it’s a spectacle not to be missed.

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